Courthouse Loop Jan 09

P1295991   COURTHOUSE LOOP P1295992   Forming up at the Bell Rock trailhead P1295993   As we start on the Big Park Loop, Courthouse looms in the background P1295994
P1295995 P1295997   Here we turn east onto the Courthouse Loop P1295998 P1295999
P1296000 P1296001   Our first water break P1296002 P1296005
P1296006 P1296007 P1296008 P1296009
P1296010 P1296011 P1296014   We reach the large wash at the eastern edge of the loop P1296015   There's some water left...
P1296016 time to pause for reflection P1296017   Also, time for a snack break P1296019 P1296021
P1296022 P1296024 P1296025 P1296026
P1296028   One last look back on the wash... P1296029   ...Then it's time to continue around the Courthouse P1296030 P1296031
P1296034 P1296036 P1296037   Looking farther east, to Rabbit Ears P1296038
P1296039 P1296041   The Bun, at the northernmost edge of the Loop P1296042 P1296043
P1296044   A panoramic view P1296046 P1296047 P1296049
P1296050   Just a little snow remains, in shadows, leaving mud on the trail P1296051   Cathedral Rock, with a Mormon tea bush in the foreground P1296052 P1296053
P1296054   The Cockscomb and Dow Mountain P1296055 P1296056 P1296057
P1296058 P1296059   Heading for Bell Rock P1296060 P1296061
P1296062   Our last break... P1296063 P1296064   ...and we're back